
Who broke the Bluetooth stack on the 8700?

Just when we're getting used to our Blackberry tethering via Bluetooth, news (and not the good kind either) travels downstream that the latest software release for Cingular and T-Mobile decreases the download speed significantly. Is it that RIM is intentionally making our BlackBerry 8700 slower or is it the carriers' request to cut down on consumer tethering? More than likely it's the first one seeing the problem didn't exist in earlier releases of the 4.1 OS and it doesn't exist in the Pearl's 4.2 OS. According to the Brain Murmurs, which created the "Pulse" tethering application, data speeds went from a decent 200k to a crawling 65k. Hopefully, this is nothing more than some developer's sick idea of how the fast the information superhighway should be, and we can all return to our regularly scheduled speeds in some future release of RIM's OS.