
Adventures in Beta: Fun with Seed of Corruption

The final entrant in our series of easily abused Burning Crusade spells is the warlock's Seed of Corruption. According to Blizzard, this level 70 spell "imbeds a demon seed in the enemy target, causing 1044 Shadow damage over 18 sec. When the target takes 1044 total damage, the seed will inflict 1110 to 1290 Shadow damage to all enemies within 15 yards of the target." Beta testers have found that the "bomb" will also go off if the target dies with Seed of Corruption on them.

Aside from killing Xzin and making jokes about "planting a demon seed," what can Seed of Corruption be used for? Its obvious use is for killing large groups of low-level mobs, but how can it work beyond that? Murderella (what a great name for a female gnome warlock!) and other warlocks have come up with a few on the beta forums:

  • Put Seed of Corruption on a hunter's pet and then get within melee range. The pet will follow you and the hunter will be hurt by the explosion when the bomb goes off.

  • Put Seed of Corruption on the flag runner in Warsong Gulch if they're surrounded by healers. Uh-oh! Bonus points if you Shadowfury on top of them when it goes off.

  • When someone gets low on health in group PVP and runs back to their group, hit them with a Seed of Corruption and try to take out as many people as possible.

  • When dealing with an enemy that summons annoying low-level minions (a druid's treants, mobs that summon skeletons, etc.), dot the controller up with Seed of Corruption. It'll damage the main guy and hopefully kill the minions.

One side note: Seed of Corruption apparently has a nasty habit of extending through walls, ceilings, floors, etc., so it may be best to avoid using it in roomed instances such as Karazhan until it's fixed.

Have any warlocks around here come up with a cool use for your new demon seed?