
Crackdown meets the real world

You ever play a game so much it starts to intrude on your everyday thoughts? Maybe you spy a piece of driftwood and think to yourself, "that looks an awful lot like a brute shot." Maybe you see the side of a building and see tetrominos falling. Flickr user, AgentG must have Crackdown on the brain, because he sees agility orbs everywhere. From Mt. Rushmore to the Eiffel Tower to EPCOT, those agility orbs could be anywhere. AgentG has even gone to the trouble of locating some secret orbs, too. You'll have to lookvery carefully to spot them though. Halo 3 beta or not, the wait for Crackdown is becoming interminable. Hopefully these pictures will ease the pain a bit. Hit the "read" link to peruse some more.

[Thanks, Jonah Falcon]