
Wii cooling fan melts our minds, not our hearts

We've seen our fair share of lazy Wii peripherals -- and we've never been sold on the whole console cooling fan craze -- but this Wii cooling fan takes the cake, handily trumping our previous record holder for most worthless peripheral: the Phantom console carrying case.

We imagine the target audience for this Wii cooling fan is urbanites, crammed into comically small spaces, forced to store their Wii game systems in the oven of all places. Every Thanksgiving, and on loved one's birthdays, they're forced to fire up the oven and plug in the old Wii cooling fan. On those rare occasions, they appreciate the China Shenzhen Firstsing Company's pursuit of excellence -- the device runs of the Wii's USB power ensuring that when the temperature goes up, your Wii's delicate duct-tape interconnects don't melt on you.

[Via Engadget]