
The Narrow Way to the Dual Screens

Here's a really cool non-game from Success: it's a DS version of the Basho poetry collection Oku no Hosomichi, (The Narrow Road to the Deep North) in a form where you draw over each character as an actor reads the poem. Enpitsu de Oku no Hosomichi DS is based on a similar book release, which featured the poems in grey print for readers to trace over, thereby forcing them to think about each kanji as they read. It's a beautiful idea for a book release, and equally nice-sounding on the DS.

We know that it's basically an attempt to cash in on the non-game craze, but Enpitsu de Oku no Hosomichi DS is such a great idea that we don't care. More importantly, it makes a pretty strong case for the e-book, not only on DS but in general, with features that improve on the traditional print version.

[Via Insert Credit]