
Mii Spotlight: Randomness

You guys have sent us a lot of Miis, and some of them are pretty random. We mean seriously out there. And that's just fine with us -- we like random and weird! In fact, you could probably say that we appreciate the more creative, out-there Miis more than any other, so how could we not devote an entire week's Mii Spotlight to the weirdest of your submissions?

We just had to. Besides, we think you'll enjoy them as much as we did.

First up is a Mii that we just had to use, if only because we are big zombie fans around here. So how could we resist this zombie Mii? We're a little hesitant about making him ourselves, though... after all, he might try to eat all the other Miis, and that's a lot of wasted hard work! The zombie was sent in by reader William, who also sent us this fine Robert Mitchum Mii. Since the legendary anti-hero actor's death is a little more than a month from its ten year anniversary, we couldn't resist using this one, either. The only thing William could have done better would be to present Robert Mitchum as a zombie. We're sure Mr. Mitchum would have approved.

Next up is a set of Miis by reader Dave -- not to be confused with our own Dave -- and while we've seen several of these before, we have to credit his presentation above all else. See, Dave made the LeBrons, but he wasn't satisfied with just making the Miis -- he went the extra mile, and for that reason, we've chosen his work to feature here:

Nice presentation, Dave! We can hardly tell it's not the real thing. Next up is from reader Mike, who sent us Dr. Zoidberg from Futurama. Again, any Mii that goes above and beyond the simple, vanilla Miis that we were meant to be making with our Wiis tends to get our attention, and this one was simply irresistible. Nice job, Mike! Mike also sent us a Leela Mii, also from Futurama, but we decided to take a pass on that one, since we also wanted to show off this Cyclopian Mii sent in by longtime reader Zsy. Maybe you guys should be friends, eh?

This one, sent in by reader Andy, was actually made by a friend of his. So, friend-of-Andy, good job! We like dragons almost as much as zombies. What can we say ... we're suckers for fantastic creatures, and from today's Mii Spotlight, it looks like you guys are as well.

Last, but certainly not least, comes this Mii from reader Damian. This was one of the very first submissions we received, and suffice to say we've been dying for an excuse to use it. Since it's definitely somewhat random, it seemed like a good way to wrap up this week's spotlight. So, without further ado, we give you ... Bill O'Reilly! Damian seems to have chosen the perfect mouth for this O'Reilly Mii, wouldn't you say? Too bad we couldn't fit a few more wrinkles in there, though.

That's it for this week! We're running low on submissions, so we'd thought we'd ask you guys what you might like to see. Would you like us to give you a challenge? Let us know in the comments and if we need to, we'll post later in the week and give you a challenge topic. For now, we're still looking for reader Miis, which always works best if you also don't mind plastering a photo of your own face across the internets. Other themes we'd like to feature? Characters from your favorite shows. Send 'em to us at mii at