
iTunes on the Wii for free, whee!

Since our freaking lucky colleagues over at Engadget are liveblogging Steve Jobs' Apple keynote speech this morning, we thought we'd toss out a little random Apple love of our own. We wrote previously about a little $9 application that would let you turn your Wii into a media center (of sorts) and access your iTunes music and whatnot ... but how about a totally free solution? has posted a simple little guide showing you how to do so, complete with handy dandy photos and John Madden-like telestrator doodles. Follow the steps and let us know how your mileage is. Of course, Apple could be announcing the all-new Leopard specs, -- complete with built-in Wii integration following their buyout of Nintendo as you read this -- but if you want it now with nothing to shell out, get to work.