
Reminder! Tabard design contest ends tonight!

Interested in designing a tabard for the fine players in WoW Insider's It came from the Blog guild? If so, today's your last day to send in your entry! To have a chance at your design immortalized as the It Came from the Blog official tabard, all you have to do is:

  • Visit the tabard designer (near the guild master in any major city) and play with the tabard designs until you find one you like. (You can also use IGN's tabard designer, though in-game screenshots are much prettier!)

  • Take a screenshot of your work

  • E-mail it to us at before 11:59 PM EST tonight!

Tomorrow we'll be voting on our finalists, with the top three winners taking home a "I'm Only Here Because My Server Is Down" t-shirt from J!NX!