
Wii Warm Up: Where do you want the waggle?

It seems like so many conversations about possible Wii games follow this pattern:

"Man, I would kick puppies* to see something like Game X on the Wii. It would be awesome. Not a port, but maybe a spin-off or a sequel. Okay, even a port."
"Yeah, that's an awesome game. Just no waggle, please."

It seems like most Wii owners want everything -- but without the motion controls that pretty much make the system what it is. And it's cool, really -- we get it. Not everything needs motion, or full motion; a few gestures here and there are fitting, but we still have buttons, and we suspect they're there for a reason. But some games need to have motion controls ... or what's the point? So which ones?

*Dude, kicking puppies is totally mean. Don't do that.