
Wii Warm Up: Your fears

In honor of Halloween later this month, we thought we would take some time to ask about your fears. Oh, not in general (though if you're also planning for the eventual zombie apocalypse, we'll talk strategy and escape routes later), but rather, your fears and worries about upcoming Wii games. There's always some little worry about possible disappointments, even with dependable franchises and developers, and more when the concepts are untried or untested. So tell us what worries you this morning, and let's try to assuage each others' fears.

And hey, it's okay if it's just little things, like maybe you're worried about Super Mario Galaxy because you didn't think Super Mario Sunshine was all that, or you're afraid everyone will suddenly start using the Zapper, but you hate it. You're among friends here (mostly). We'll try not to judge.