
Hellgate: Petition - IAHGames demonic?

Keen Hellgate: London player, Paul Chor, has put together a petition to Bill Roper and Flagship Studios, asserting that IAHGames (responsible for servers in the South-East Asian regions) are screwing things up.

"Patch 0 has been delayed; whilst there are explanations on why it have been, there is no official ETA on its deployment."

There's a list of complaints, including potentially game-unbalancing changes, vague and unhelpful community management, delays and fears that all of this will lead to the region being the poor cousin, poor sales, and a disaffected community.

"The company is resorting to potentially harmful stop-gap measures, such as just raising the level cap to 50, but not implementing patch 0."

Ultimately, the (so far) 31 signatories want better management for the region and a review of IAHGames operations and policies by Flagship Studios.