
Roll Your Own Quicksilver Plugin

Regular readers know we here at TUAW love Quicksilver. Indeed, I think it is my single favorite application (and that it remains free is just mind-boggling to me). Anyway, despite a ton of built-in functionality and plethora of plugins to add more, you may still find there are a few things your best Mac buddy can't do. So why not write your own plugin? If, unlike me, you can get over the hurdle of not actually knowing how to code, there's still the issue of the lack of adequate documentation for writing a Quicksilver plugin. And so the "Vacuous Virtuoso," Ankur Kothari, comes to the rescue with an on-going series devoted to writing a Quicksilver plugin with Xcode in Objective-C. So far, only the first two parts are available (an Introduction, and an Anatomy of a plugin), but three more parts are planned. So all you developers out there fire up Xcode and get to extending and expanding our beloved Quicksilver!

[Via Daring Fireball via Cocoa Blogs]