
April Fool's Alert #1: Wii.TV's future Zelda

We warned you yesterday. Welcome to many site's nebulous comprehension that April Fool's Day is actually April 1 -- not the day or week before, or the whole month for that matter. Wii.TV gets the first spot in our alerts as they announce Legend of Zelda ... that's it, they didn't even bother to come up with a subhead. Go through the effort of editing a five minute video and don't even bother to come up with a full title. No, Legend of Zelda: Future Calls or Legend of Zelda: Knights of the Ganon Wars.

The video is a compilation of Star Wars concept drawings, Final Fantasy stills and other random elements. Actually, that would make for a good deconstruction exercise. Know where the components come from? Give a shout out.

[Thanks Whosyourdaddy?]