
Windex 1 - HDTV 0

Here's a tip for all you HDTV owners out there. Do not, we repeat - DO NOT use any type of surface cleaner on your HDTV screen. There are numerous reasons not to such as it can remove a clear coat or scratch the screen but simply don't do it. The latest episode of DL.TV gives a great example on what could possible happen. It appears like someone (can we assume the wife without offending anyone?) sprayed an excessive amount of cleaner on the screen which then dripped down into the crack at the bottom of the screen. From there the liquid worked it's way up between the screen and protective clear plastic. We feel for the guy and hope he figures out a way to clean it but let this be a lesson to everyone...

Do NOT use any cleaning product on your HDTV - gently wipe dust with a soft cloth and tell the kids to keep their grubby little hands off.