
Diner Dash doesn't look too appetizing

Games don't need to have good graphics--but they need to have fun. The upcoming Diner Dash seems to have neither. The competitive world of restauranting should make for an interesting gameplay experience, but this first video of the game looks utterly uninspired. 1UP recently previewed the game: "In Diner Dash, you show patrons to their seats, take their orders, serve them food, and clear the tables when they leave. Promptly serving people and working your way quickly through the increasing line of customers earns you points in the form of tips. The hardest part is managing your own stress levels as you serve impatient people. Sometimes your customers have screaming kids who need high chairs, and you're usually either urging that family of four to quickly finish their hamburgers, or scrambling to mop up the mess they left on the floor."

Seating customers and moving food from one place to the next could provide some brief bursts of entertainment, but is that really enough to warrant a full-fledged game? Watch the video after the cut, and tell us what you think.