
WiFi is / is not dangerous: BBC edition

The UK has been a hotbed of discussion in the WiFi is dangerous / not dangerous debate as of late, and it doesn't look like that's about to change anytime soon, with the BBC now getting into the act with an investigation that aims to get to the bottom of the problem/non-problem. To that end, the BBC's Panorama program recently paid a visit to a school in order to compare the levels of radiation from the WiFi signals in the classroom to that from a typical cellphone mast. According to the BBC, the radiation from the school's WiFi proved to be three times higher than that from the cellphone mast, although that was still 600 times below the government's safety limits. Bringing a bit of common sense to the program, Medical physics expert Professor Malcolm Sperrin advised against tossing WiFi altogether, saying that "it's impossible to prove that something has no effect." He also added that he's "more concerned about the heat laptops generate and the impact that could on sensitive parts of the body." Words to the wise, to be sure.