
Kane & Lynch gets new, mullet-rich trailer

A new trailer has been released for Kane & Lynch: Dead Men, a title we've come to think of first and foremost as "that game with the really stylish advertising." The worst part? We're still susceptible to it, thanks to the video's irresistible combination of the three Ms: murder, mayhem and a mullet.

Seriously, look at that thing. Lynch (possibly Kane) is a real "business up front, party out back" sort of guy. Our eyes are only occasionally drawn away from the mullet by Kane's (possibly Lynch's) Breathe Right strip, and usually you couldn't pry our eyes away from those things with a crowbar. Oh, before we forget, this video contains another "M": mature language. So you probably shouldn't watch it at work if your boss is offended by profanity ... or, you know, mullets.