
WoW Insider coming to Dragon*Con!

Following an amazing level of success with Blizzcon, Elizabeth Harper and I are headed for Dragon*Con in a little over two weeks. For what? To host this year's Dragon*Con World of Warcraft Meet & Greet! For those who have never experienced a Dragon*Con, it is billed as "America's largest, multi-media, popular arts convention focusing on science fiction and fantasy, gaming, comics, literature, art, music, and film." Speaking from the experience of having attended last year's Dragon*Con along with over 40,000 other geeks of all flavors, I can vouch for just how utterly packed full of awesome sights and sounds Dragon*Con is.

As part of this year's WoW Meet & Greet, (and with many thanks to Grim and the MMO/Gaming track for helping us organize this) we will be hosting a World of Warcraft costume contest. So for those headed there, be sure to pack the Rogue costume and your Boomkin suit. You definitely don't want to miss a chance at winning some great prizes! Outside of that, we'll be doing some trivia, talking more about the great goings on at Dragon*Con, as well as random giveaways featuring all manner of goodies from J!NX gear to TCG booster packs! (Maybe you'll pull out one of the rare cards that will net you some in-game goodies.) If you were on the fence about going to Dragon*Con, there are still memberships available.

A map of the location for the Meet & Greet at the Con, and more details are behind the jump!

The Meet & Greet will be hosted in the two rooms circled in red (they open into one large room) which is on the Marquis level of the Atlanta Marriott Marquis, one of the three official hotels that Dragon*Con is hosting their events in. (Or should I say will be taking over completely) For those of you who have attended previous Dragon*Con events, this is next to the Art room and across from where the Dealer's room was last year.

The Meet & Greet will start Friday Night at 10:00 PM (Eastern, naturally) and go until we've partied down, given out all the swag, and taken lots of pictures and video... Or until such a time as the 501st comes and drags us all off to check for Droids. So if you're coming to Dragon*Con, be sure to get to the Meet & Greet for your chance to meet up with others from WoW Insider and possibly score some free WoW stuff!

For more information on the MMO track, be sure to check out the Dragon*Con MMO site!