
WoW Insider Weekly

It's Saturday again, and that means it's time for WoW Insider Weekly, our weekly look at all of our great weekly and bi-weekly features here at WoW Insider. Our columnists work hard all to create great weekly content, and every Saturday we put it all in one post and serve it up to you on a big silver platter*.

*Silver platter not included.

Azeroth Interrupted: How to tell it's time to take a WoW break
Because sometimes, you need to just say no.

Spiritual Guidance: Threat and you
If you priests don't want monsters running at you, you shouldn't insult their mothers!

Officers' Quarters: 2.3 -- an officer's perspective
What do you guild officers need to know about what's coming in the next big content patch?

All the World's a Stage: It's not just about sexy butts
I see David's point, but he forgot one thing: what if you're Sir Mix-a-lot?

/silly: Shadow of the colossal mistake
Our weekly cartoon shows a city raid gone wrong.

Build Shop: Shaman 15/5/41
Eliah's gone this week, so I showed off my Resto-with-a-side-of-DPS build.

Shifting Perspectives: Online Druid resources
If you're a Druid, get out your bookmarks window-- you'll want to keep these.

Reader WoWSpace of the Week: 2.3 WoWspaces!
Featuring WoW on a television. That's crazy talk!

Guildwatch: The most important thing

"Guild drama is a lot like falling in love..."

The Light and How to Swing It: PvP Healing Build
Chris tells you how to win both friends and fights in PvP.

BRK: Karazhan for Hunter-Dummies
A Hunter guide for Blizzard's most popular raid.

Know Your Lore: The Titans
They're old, they're Norse, and they created the world. Find out more about Azeroth's enigmatic god-beings.

The Care and Feeding of Warriors: Why we war
How much war could a warrior war if a warrior were wared for war?

Ask WoW Insider: Best way to find a new server?
Help this guy figure out where to reroll.

Phat Loot Phriday: Black Bow of the Betrayer
It's black, it's pointy, and it gets you mana. What's not to love?