
The guild relations program

A while back introduced the Guild Relations Program, and set the challenge for any guild that was interested in participating to meet the criteria. Today they announced the first set of guilds that have been invited to participate: Sleeper Cartel , Resurrection, Your Quest Log is Full, Blackrock Legends, and Exanimus. Congratulations guys, you get to represent us to the Blizzard game designers and get access to the betas, whenever they become available.

If you are interested in having your guild be a part of the program, Blizzard asks that your guild do the following:

  • Participate in constructive discussion in the World of Warcraft General Discussion forum or Guild Relations forum.

  • Post helpful information for other players to read in any of the World of Warcraft forums.

  • Create World of Warcraft-related movies and link to them in our forums for others to enjoy.

  • Develop fan fiction to enrich the overall entertainment experience for those who enjoy lore and creative writing.

  • Create game guides and make them available for other members of the community.

  • Anything else that demonstrates a genuine willingness to help other members of the World of Warcraft community is also welcome. Once enough members of a particular guild begin to stand out in this fashion, the leader of the guild will receive an invite and further details via the email address listed on the World of Warcraft account he or she plays on.

In other words, be model citizens of the WoW gaming community. Participate, educate, enumerate. That doesn't sound too tough. More guilds will be added as the program continues, so get those guild members discussing things constructively on the forums, and perhaps you too will be selected.