
"Songs in the Key of HD," a catchy little tune we can get behind

Both sides of the format war are guilty of ridiculous declarations on why their format is clearly the best. One thing everyone agrees on though, is that for either format to succeed, more consumers have to be lured away from DVDs to HDM. Before consumers will jump to either "destined to win soon" HDM format, they have to be sold on HDM in general. The HD DVD group has put up a couple of animated spots on their website entitled "Songs in the Key of HD" which we think do a great job in making people aware of HDM benefits without sounding too steeped in corporate rhetoric. With price points moving downwards, this is the kind of marketing that will stick with Mr. and Mrs. Six-Pack. Check out the short features listed under "What is HD?" and "How do I get HD?" after the link, but don't blame us if the tune ends up an earworm for you.

[Via Nayt Miles Keane Studio]