
Player credits America's Army for mad first aid skillz

Video games are a detriment to society, haven't you heard? Apparently Paxton Galvanek didn't get the memo. As the first on the scene at a traffic accident last November, the 28-year old gamer helped two individuals out of an overturned SUV on a North Carolina interstate and began treatment on their wounds, which ranged from cuts and bruises on the passenger to the driver, who suffered head trauma as well as the loss of two fingers. Impressive, particularly since Galvanek credits the combat medic training he completed in America's Army for the PC for teaching him the skills needed to treat the victims.

The America's Army team notes that it designed the game's training scenarios in order to help prepare young adults for similar real world events. We don't know how much stock we place in first responders whose skillset can be traced back to a first-person shooter, but in this case at least it all worked out famously. Now, we just wait for a situation when having an accomplished Javelin missile operator on the scene will produce similarly welcome results.