
The Daily Grind: What was your first guild like?

We're not entirely certain how this topic got started up recently, but we've seen both Scott at Pumping Irony and Mightydar have a bit of fun with it, and we thought we'd jump on the bandwagon. (We just can't resist fun and funny topics!) So, this morning we'd like to ask you what was your first-ever guild like? Was it a great place to play with some thoughtful and kind folks, or was it one drama-bomb after another? Personally, I landed in a guild in EverQuest that was self-destructing, but managed to make good friends there fast enough to score an invite to a much better guild a week or so after the first one imploded. (I also think it gave me a great example of what not to do when running a guild!) How about you? What was your first-ever guild like?