
Missing teen found after she ran away with her 27 year old WoW boyfriend

Morgon Douglas Jones, a 27 year old gamer, is going to find himself in a lot of trouble. He ran off with a 14 year old girl he met through WoW. They were found safe in a campground in Franklin County, Washington. We (and several of you commenters) have covered age related issues before: from age restricted servers to youths applying to raiding guilds.

I am amazed at some of the creeps who play this game, and Morgon Jones definitely falls into that category. 27 years old and running off with a 14 year old girl he met through the game. It's time for him to get outside and enjoy life while he still can, since hopefully there'll be some good ol' prison time coming his way.

Reader Basic sent us the tip for this story posted on the website, and you can read the full article over there. There is an error in the article however, where the author says WoW is a science fiction based game, when it is actually a fantasy game (unless the author was making a critique on Outlands being too SciFi for the game, but that's highly doubtful and not given at all in the context of the article).

This is also a good time to remind people that protecting your online identity and privacy is important. Jon Eldridge in our Azeroth Security column has a great article about what you can do to protect your online identity - it's something everyone should take a minute to ensure they're doing.

Perhaps in the end stories like this will lead to tighter restrictions on age limits and interactivity based on age in the game. I can't help but think that this could have been avoided if there were tighter controls on teens interacting with adults in the game.