
Wrath World Event continues: Lich King attacking Orgrimmar and Stormwind [Updated]

The Wrath of the Lich King opening event continues tonight. Orgrimmar is under attack. If it hasn't happened yet on your server it will soon. The major points of the attack are as follows:

  • Thrall is fighting Garrosh Hellscream in the Ring of Valor. Hellscream wins.

  • Frost Wyrms and Aboms are attacking the Valley of Honor in Orgrimmar.

  • Sylvanas can be seen marching around the Valley of Honor with a contingent of skeleton soldiers.

  • The event appears to repeat itself every 20 minutes

  • The Horde leaders are all talking to each other about the war with Arthas in-between Thrall fighting Hellscream.

  • There are many reports that the necropolises have left the major cities.

  • In Stormwind, Varian Wynn, Bolvarr, and a few other nobles are standing under a tent in the Harbor. They are offering quite a bit of new flavor text when you talk to them.

  • Stormwind Harbor is being attacked with Frost Wyrms and Aboms. The King and his company of nobles are defending the Harbor the best they can.

Continue reading on after the break for the full record of events! The events of the evening appear to be over, however if anything else develops we'll update this post.


7:45pm: Reports are rolling in that Frost Wyrms are attacking Orgrimmar across multiple servers.

7:55pm: Thall is fighting Garrosh Hellscream, and losing! Massive attacks with Aboms and Frostwyrms.

8:02pm: Frostwyrms appear to have around 303,000k health, and shoot out frost bolts to the ground. These frost bolts slow everything down in about a 5 yard area.

8:08pm: Sylvanas can be heard yelling things in Orgrimmar. All the attacks appear to be taking place in the Valley of Honor. Thrall fights Garrosh Hellscream in the Ring of Valor. The event appears to repeat itself. However this is not yet confirmed.

Event confirmed to repeat, about once every 20 minutes. Thrall fights Hellscream in the center of the Ring of Valor. Thrall uses his shaman-like abilities. Hellscream appears to have Warrior abilities. Thrall has lost every fight so far.

8:36pm: In Stormwind, Varian Wynn, Bolvarr, and a few other nobles are standing under a tent in the Harbor. Something appears to be on the verge of happening there.

8:56pm: If you're an Alliance character and can't get on horde side, join hundreds of others as the congregate in the Stormwind Harbor.

9:23pm: The Horde leaders are all talking to each other about the war with Arthas in-between Thrall fighting Hellscream.

9:25pm: Above is the view on Adam's home server, Eldre'Thalas, in the Stormwind Harbor. You'd think it's launch day with all these people standing around!

9:27pm: Above is Alex and his friends watching over the Harbor with their Bear Cavalry.

9:35pm: There are many reports that the necropolises have left the major cities.

10:18pm: Stormwind is under attack now by the forces of the Lich King on the Eldre'Thalas server. The mobs appear to be the same ones that were used in Orgrimmar.

10:21pm: The mobs are 71 elites, Stormwind turns dark and cloudy as the attack gets underway. Lots of images incoming. Go to the Harbor if you want to see this. It's lag city though. Stay tuned.

10:24pm: Wyrnn and pals are going out to fight any guys near them, then are immediately retreating back to the tent. They want you to defend Stormwind and save the boats.

10:29pm: The Hearld of the Lich King yells: "Fools of Stormwind! Hear my, naive children of the Alliance! Tremble and know your doom, for the Lich King's gave is fixed upon you!"

10:32pm: Pictured above is a dead Abom.

Are you ready for the challenges that await you in Northrend? WoW Insider has you covered with our 8-day guide to Preparing for Wrath. Also, check out our feature on AddOns new, old and outdated and Essential AddOns for Wrath written especially with the expansion in mind.