
Rock Band 2 welcomes Guitar Hero instruments [update]

[Update: IGN has pulled the post, at the request of one of the companies involved with the game. Yikes.]

IGN added further confirmation of a December release date for the Wii version of Rock Band 2, which is no doubt a comfort to many holiday gift-givers who may otherwise have a big hole in their shopping lists. However, IGN's preview states that it's coming out December 22, while GameStop said December 18. At least we're zeroing in on a specific day!

The most awesome news, however, is that IGN tried out the Wii Guitar Hero: World Tour instruments -- and they worked, as did Guitar Hero 3 guitars. They didn't have any Rock Band 2 instruments to test with Guitar Hero, unfortunately, but we're thrilled to hear about any interoperability at all.

Oh, and if the new video at the top of the post didn't clue you in, there are some new videos.

[Thanks, face!]