
Last Week on Massively: WoW-related stories

Regular columns dominate this week's listing of WoW-related content on our sister site Massively. You can click on the links below or subscribe to a special WoW-only Massively feed.

Behind the Curtain: Immediacy in PvP

Craig Withers likes to PvP in a tabletop game, but not WoW. Why not? Read his current Behind the Curtain column to find out what's lacking in Blizzard's version of mortal combat.

WAR vs WoW: Keen and Graev compare

Keen and Graev's blog has started early in the comparison of World of Warcraft and the upcoming Warhammer Online. See what our own Kyle Horner has to say about what's sure to be a hot topic this year.

Another rumor regarding Blizzard's love affair with consoles

A recent demo of a new console game resulted in a comment leading to speculation: is WoW coming to a next-gen console near you?

Behind the Curtain: More Plot Please

How much plot is needed to make an MMO enjoyable? Chris Chester poses that question, and his own answer in his weekly column, Behind the Curtain.

Building a Better MMOusetrap: Adventures in babysitting

Guilds are an essential part of every MMO. In his Building a Better MMOusetrap column, Dave Moss explores ways that Blizzard and other game developers can make guilds even better.

As the Worlds Turn: Ramblings of a mad man

Adam Schumacher uses this week's As The World Turns column to present his wish list to Blizzard and other MMO developers detailing what he'd like to see this year in MMOs.

MMOGology: Keep it simple, stupid

Mark Nottke has been playing a lot of Dungeon Runner. In his weekly MMOGology weekly column, he compares the simplistic quest, interface and content to WoW's system and you may be surprised at his conclusions.