
Navigating your way through amplification stats

Picking a receiver for your rig is a tough job -- the bundling of switching, decoding and amplification functions is convenient for use, but not so much for shopping. If you turn to the audiophile world for guidance, you might end up with a bigger headache as discussion will quickly turn to "fat watts," imaging (lest you thought that was your display's job) and other esoterica. Those audiophiles mean well, but the advice can be overwhelming. Follow the link for a good intro to the stats you'll find on any amp/receiver fact tag: Watts, bandwidth (frequency range), impedance, channels driven and total harmonic distortion (THD). Hint: more Watts doesn't always mean a better amp. We'd add in taking a look at the power supply (toroids are generally better than E-I). In the best case, the dealer you work with will also have some way for you to try the amp/receiver with your speakers through either a return or in-home audition policy. Just like we advise for displays, use the specs to narrow down the list and then trust your own senses!

[Image courtesy NAD Electronics]