
Let Sony twitter in your ear during GDC

GDC takes place this week and, while we'll be reporting everything we possibly can, sometimes it's nicer to hear things straight from the horse's mouth. It seems Sony is aware of this and, on top of having numerous posts planned for the next seven days on the PlayStation.Blog, you can have Sony news sent straight to your mobile phone via Twitter. If you're new to the service, simply sign up and start following the PlayStation.Blog Twitter feed. If you attach your cell phone number to your Twitter account, then it will allow you to receive your friends' updates via text message.

Jeff Rubenstein, of the PlayStation.Blog, will be asking questions of various developers during the show and relaying their responses via the blog and the Twitter feed. Plus, who knows, if there are any interesting announcements made then you may hear about them without being anywhere near your computer. Just make sure you keep checking back here for all the latest PS3 news from GDC 2008.