
Worldwide PS3 releases for the week of February 24th

Not a bad release list for February. PS3 owners the world over finally get to see what all the fuss is about with Capcom's Lost Planet (spoiler: not a lot) and the Lost game also hits shelves. Having seen very little of the title, we're intrigued to see what it's like. Cautiously intrigued, but intrigued nonetheless. Here's the full release list:

US Games

EU Games

Asian Games

Europe keeps attempting to play catch-up this week with Blacksite: Area 51, another UE3 game that America received during the gameflood of last year. Release dates are constantly subject to change, so be sure to confirm them before making any rash decisions. Like stepping out the front door.

Your PS3 is region free, don't forget, so don't be afraid to import any of the above titles. Though if we spot you importing Lost from any other country then we'll be forced to give you a clip around the ear for being so stupid. You have been warned.