
Wii-based physical therapy not just for Americans any more

If you were someone not living in the confines of North America, you might have thought we were all going crazy over here, throwing the old physical therapy ways out the window and openly embracing new, Wii-based solutions that might not be totally tested. But hey, we're not complaining, if the people say it helps, then we're all for it.

Well, England is finally getting with the times, as the Wii is being used in physiotherapy for some in the south-east portion of the country. Specifically, at Queen Victoria NHS Foundation Trust in East Grinstead, where Maureen Adams, the head of therapy, comments that when "recovering from an operation, such as a skin graft, patients may need recover normal use of their hands and arms. Using the Wii is a way of significantly improving movement, while not seeing the activity as therapy, which helps motivate them. Wii can also be done at home, so patients are able to continue their own personal therapies."

Basically, they're using it for all the same reasons as other folk have been using it. And hey, any way to help these folks regain movement and rebuild their physical selves, we're down with it.