
iPhone 2.0 software update hits in June

That sound you hear? A million rabid iPhone users crying. After teasing us with mountains of glorious SDK features and apps, Apple dropped the bomb that we won't be getting any of those features until the iPhone / iPod touch 2.0 software update, which arrives as a free update in June (for the iPhone, iPod touch users have to pay up again) and includes App Store. Selected developers will get a chance at a beta version of 2.0 to test their new applications out as of today, and we have a funny feeling somebody's going to be putting in some hours to try and crack this thing for the rest of us. In addition to the SDK-related features, the 2.0 update brings parental controls, such as allowing parents to turn of Safari or the App Store to keep those kiddies safe, and boosts mail functionality with PowerPoint viewing and mass message moving / deleting (freaking finally).