
No surprise, Phoenix Entertainment going to Blu-ray

Was picking a side in the format war unnerving for you? Consumers had it relatively easy -- the format war was seriously scary business for smaller labels with limited resources. It's never fun for a small company to bet its budget on a war between media giants. No stranger to scary stuff, direct-to-video house Phoenix Entertainment Group (PEG) and its horror-genre specialist Under the Bed Films was leaning towards HD DVD a few short months ago. But it's a new day: "The Lawless" on HD DVD is missing from the company's catalog, and both labels are going forward with Blu-ray. Next week, Under the Bed will scare you in HD with "Naked Beneath the Water" and in early May PEG will branch out beyond horror with "Paintball The Movie: Court Jesters" on Blu-ray.

[Via FormatWarCentral]