
Capcom's statistical explosion: life-to-date series and games sales

There are so many little factoids to take from this massive amount of data, we just don't know where to begin. Capcom has released what seems to be the life-to-date title and series sales figures on all its properties (via Next-Gen). The best-selling series is Resident Evil, with a reported 50 titles and 34.5 million unit sales. Second and third place go to Mega-Man (120 freakin' titles, 28m sales) and Street Fighter (59 titles, 23m sales), respectively.

The best-selling single game for Capcom has been Street Fighter II, released June 1992 for Super Nintendo / Super Famicom, with 6.3 million units sold. Overall, the company has had 46 titles attain platinum status. The biggest blast-from-the-past reminder for us was the Super Nintendo's Aladdin at the No. 14 best-selling title with 1.75 million unit sales.