
Kid attempts to steal wrestler's PSP; fails

Those thieves who make their living stealing PSPs are either getting even less smart or more desperate. Either way, this latest story of attempted PSP, er, reallocation should give everyone a slight grin. Elijah Burke, or the Black Pope as he may be known in the world of wrestling (forgive us if we got that wrong -- our wrestling knowledge is on the same level as a turtle), wrote up his experience in a blog about a 14-year-old kid that tried to steal from him on a plane.

What happened essentially was this: Burke took his PSP out of his bag and placed it on a seat rest betwixt him and the kid and promptly fell asleep (the kid was sleeping too). When he woke up, it was gone. He made a threat which we're sure almost melted the kid's mind, then the wannabe-thief removed the lifted PSP from his bag and returned it. Note to all: don't be that dumb. It's obvious you took it. Another note: don't steal from people much, much bigger than you.

[Thanks, Joseph B.!]