
The Daily Grind: The most popular MMO or the underdog?

Everyone's always talking about subscription numbers -- including us! We're always speculating about which game is going to end up on top. Well, second to the top, anyway. But what impact does the popularity of a game have on your play experience?

The conventional wisdom is as follows. If you're playing the most popular MMO out there, you're at the forefront of the gaming community's attention. You're seeing first hand every history-making event. You're suffering through every headline-making nerf patch. If you're in a smaller MMO, the community is more tight-knit. You feel like you're living in a small town, where everyone knows your name. Your feedback might even have a chance of impacting the direction the game takes.

But is any of that true? Which would you prefer -- the most popular game out there, or the best-kept-secret, and why?