
PETA rewards Sega for being amigos to chimps

When PETA saw ads for Samba de Amigo featuring a live chimpanzee, they got a bit outraged (as is their wont). They sent a letter to Sega describing the quite horrible life that goes along with being a Hollywood chimp, including, obviously, separation from family, but also painful training methods and eventual abandonment to even worse conditions. We all like to think that acting chimps retire to slightly downscale, but still opulent, hilltop mansions, but apparently this isn't the case.

Sega responded by pulling the ads from their website and pledging never to cast great apes again -- thus helping to ensure a happier future for chimps. Not to mention a more dignified future. PETA then sent them some vegan chocolate. That's not necessary, PETA, Sega already apologized! We're just glad Sega wasn't shooting ads for Super Monkey Ball.

[Via Joystiq]