
Massively re-arms for WAR: Slayer

Dwarf Slayers are just about ready to start hitting the live Warhammer Online servers for all their worth. With the orange tide imminent, I've been running around the test server for the past several days, looking to learn all I could about these wonders of Dwarven kind. Including -- but not limited to -- the underlying cogs of their special mechanic, how they handle PvP and PvE, and most importantly where they hide their booze -- here's a hint: it's underneath something.

Now, with many honorable deaths under my massive beard, I've come here to present you, our dear readers, with a neatly packed bundle of information.

I'm going to assume most of you know the lore behind these guys, but just to be sure I'll do the quick and dirty to make sure everyone is caught up:

Dwarf is shamed or humiliated in some unthinkable manner. Tossing aside all rational option because they're not Human or Elf, Dwarf takes Slayer Oath. This involves dying his hair and beard orange, followed by the styling of a mohawk (or going bald eagle) and finally some face and body tattoos. Doing this lets everyone know exactly what said Dwarf is all about: Obsessively seeking out battle so as to earn an honorable death, which in turn will undo the dishonor placed upon him.

Since a Dwarf quite literally cannot kill himself or seek loss in battle, the Slayer Oath is very much his only choice. Of course, those who fail at this task ultimately become fearsome warriors -- but they're still wading into battle without a single care other than victory and glorious death in battle.

The Slayer's class mechanic, officially called Enrage, is pretty easy to grasp. Whenever you enter battle, your rage meter begins to fill. This meter goes from 0 to 100, and when in combat you'll fill it by 5 points per second. Once this meter reaches 25 points, all of your attacks will deal 25% more damage. Then, after reaching the 75 point mark, you'll deal 50% more damage while also having all your resistances reduced by 50% as well. Thankfully, your Enrage meter will drop off quickly as soon as you leave combat.

Here's the fun part: Certain abilities will exhaust your enrage meter, and others (tactics, etc) will increase the fill rate or amount you've got at any given moment. Basically, your mastery build and the powers you choose to equip yourself with play into your fighting style -- but more on that in a moment.

I'd have to say that this mechanic is probably one of my top favorites, because it's simple to understand but has just enough depth to remain interesting in the long-term. That, and I've always had a soft spot for berserker types in RPGs.

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