
Grabbed by the Ghoulies scares gamers, becomes Xbox Original

Looks like our garlic necklace failed us (wait, that's vampires), because Rare's Grabbed by the Ghoulies just hobbled its way to the Xbox Live Marketplace as another iffy Xbox Original. This not so great tale of ghouls is available for 1200 Microsoft points ($15), 3GB of hard drive space and a pound of flesh (pound of flesh optional).

Per Rare's own helpful and admittedly humorous sales pitch, "if you like Halo, pretend that the main character is Master Chief and the hilarious DJ Mummy is a terrifying Covenant alien." Actually, with that tip in mind, we're leaning towards a Ghoulies purchase. Proof that an extremely inventive imagination can make any game feel like an epic blockbuster.

[Via Rare]