
'Lara's Shadow' out today, new trailer heaps on the drama

Hot on the (high) heels of last week's developer documentary, Eidos has released the first "official" trailer for Tomb Raider: Underworld's second -- and, presumably, final -- 360-exclusive DLC expansion, "Lara's Shadow." The add-on mission is out today for 800

($10) and the rest of this post is one big spoiler, so turn back ye who do not wish things ... spoiled.

The footage -- dubbed the "final trailer," despite being the only trailer, but whatevs -- shows a whole lot of the main game (Lara's doppelganger blowing up Croft Manor, their battle in Helheim) along with plenty of talking before getting to the goods: the titular Shadow in action, slowing down time -- speeding up time! -- and kicking enemies. Lots of kicking. Well, and running up walls. Actually, just the one wall. So, will you be slapping down the points for this one, or are you all Lara'd out?

Look for our review of Lara's the doppelganger's adventures tomorrow.