
Bizarre Creations' Blur to trade paint this fall

After a few weeks of kind of announcing it, Activision finally got around to actually announcing Blur, Bizarre Creations' new title, today. The arcade racer, once described as "Mario Kart meets Forza," is due on PS3, 360 and PC this fall.

With little more than a non-working official site to go off, we still don't have a great sense of how the game will play. At this point, we know it features 20 "photo-realistic" cars battling it out with offensive and defensive power-ups in locales like L.A. and Barcelona. There's also apparently some kind of narrative that evolves as players compete online. ... Yeah, we can't make heads or tails of that either.

For a better take on the game, you -- like us -- are just going to have to wait for E3.