
Iomega StorCenter ix2-200 NAS gets bigger, greener, easier to upgrade

Iomega's earlier StorCenter ix2 NAS device featured two drives in a (relatively) slim package that, with a quick stab from an Ethernet cable, served files to the entirety of your network. But, those two drives were not user-replaceable and, while it could pull data from the wilds of the internet via BitTorrent support, it provided no online access to anything within its platters. Those issues are addressed by the new ix2-200, sharing the same features as its predecessor (RAID 1, Bluetooth, DLNA, USB ports for printers or security cameras, VMware certification, etc.), but also adding drive bays that a user can access -- albeit with a screwdriver, and definitely not while the thing is powered up. It will also provide remote access over the web, and Iomega promises it's greener than before, more deftly spinning down those drives when unneeded and relying on a thriftier power supply. It will ship at sizes of 1, 2, and 4TB for $270, $370, and $670 respectively. Surely you can find your storage/price sweet spot somewhere in there.