
Xbox Live Rewards pilot program launches, gives points for purchases

A number of Xbox Live subscribers recently received invitations to a promising pilot program which grants them bonuses for a number of their usual online activities. Earlier today, Microsoft revealed exactly how the six-month trial program, which is appropriately titled "Xbox Live Rewards," operates. Basically, users can earn complimentary Microsoft Points by renewing their subscriptions, purchasing Marketplace content, taking part in surveys, or doing a number of other activities which are clearly laid out in this helpful chart.

Okay, so the number of points you can accumulate using the Rewards program isn't really enormous, and according to the invitation's fine print, you can't spend the points you earn until the first three months of the trial are up. Still, you get free Microbucks for doing stuff you'd probably be doing anyways, so it's hard to complain about that. Of course, we know in our hearts that someone out there will find a way.

[Thanks to everyone who sent this in!]