
After Burner Climax XBLA screens soar into view [update]

Though we've yet to hear official word from Sega on whether After Burner Climax is jetting to Xbox Live Arcade and the PlayStation Network, Gameswire has obtained "by hook or by crook" a plethora of gorgeous screens -- 26, to be exact -- which it reports as coming from the XBLA version.

Late last year, the flight action was rated by both the Australian and Korean boards, with classification applied for by Sony. While you peruse these shots, we'll keep bugging Sega about some proper details.

Update: Sega of Japan has confirmed (via 1UP) After Burner Climax's release this spring for ¥900 ($10) on PS3 and 800

(also, $10) for Xbox 360. We're still following up with Sega of America for confirmation of a North American release.

[Via Kotaku]