Advertisement sued by Games Workshop over Warhammer Alliance's name

Members of Warhammer Online fansite found a startling announcement posted on the site today: "We wanted to inform our community here on that Games Workshop has filed lawsuit against Curse for operating and maintaining"

A look at the official complaint revealed a litany of allegations including cybersquatting, unfair competition, dilution (of the IP), and more. Part of Games Workshop's problem with all of this, according to the complaint is that Curse's use of the Warhammer name and trademarks "literally states and implies that Defendant and their business are in an "alliance" with Plaintiff and its products and services offered under the WARHAMMER Marks," and that this "conduct as aforesaid has caused great and irreparable injury to Plaintiff, and unless such conduct is enjoined, it will continue and Plaintiff will continue to suffer great and irreparable injury."

Not much is known at this point beyond the complaint document from Games Workshop and the forum announcement on the WarhammerAlliance site, but we will certainly keep our eyes open for new information as it comes.

[Thanks to everyone who sent us emails on this!]