
One Shots: Beware the wild lands

Been thinking about heading back to Age of Conan? Between the recent announcement that players can check out Rise of the Godslayer free for 10 days and the promise of seeing gorgeous areas like this one, we can see why so many folks are jumping back in. This image of a lovely waterside town comes to us from Pedro A., who has been enjoying his own adventures in the wild lands. He writes in:

"This is a picture of the village of Tesso, in the wild lands of Zelata. It is the point where you start working the quests in this area, eventually ending up in the big temple you can see far in the mountainous distance. The temple is the Sanctum of the Burning Souls: It was a city of splendor in the past, and now is a ruined dangerous place where you can encounter terrible spiders, mad worshipers of evil, and demons."

One Shots needs your screenshots! If you'd like to help us out and send in some screenshots of your recent adventures, the address you'll want to send them to is Be sure to include your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing. We'll post it out here and give you the thanks for sending it in!