
Pew study finds majority of Americans don't want government to prioritize affordable broadband

We hold great respect for the Pew Internet and American Life Project, whose statistical practices are transparent, robust and rarely filled with logical holes, but we have to wonder why the organization decided to ask if Americans would support affordable high-speed internet using their tax dollars. 53% of 2,252 telephoned adults said it shouldn't be a major priority, which is significant, to be sure, but when Pew's 2009 study showed that most individuals without broadband don't want it, and their 2008 survey confirmed that 62 percent of dial-up users were still A-OK, we have to imagine researchers might have seen this coming. Those with broadband don't need it, those without it don't want it. Never mind about education, health, economic reform -- you know, all those other priorities. Nevertheless, these are interesting results, and if you're a proponent of the FCC's National Broadband Plan you'd best have a look.