
Droid Does website points to imminent Froyo update for Droid X... but what does it mean?

Just as Paul Vasquez would have us do, we're questioning the true meaning behind a curious page that has popped up over at the Droid Does website -- a very authentic portal that Verizon Wireless itself has been pushing for nearly a year. Put simply, the splash page details "great news!" surrounding a heretofore unannounced Android 2.2 update for the arguably gigantic Droid X. In fact, we're even told about all the amazing features that Froyo brings, but alas, our own X has yet to get any sort of notification from Big Red. The image you're peering at above was purportedly texted to a tipster from VZW, but unfortunately, the links led to the previously referenced splash page rather than a download. Still, we're guessing that this means a bona fide release is just around the corner -- Verizon's already a few weeks late at this point, so hopefully the finishing touches are nearly done.

[Thanks, Kellen]