
Global Agenda looks back at its first six months

It's been a whirlwind six months for Hi-Rez Studios. In that time frame the studio released its MMOFPS Global Agenda, converted the game to a "buy it once and play it forever" model similar to Guild Wars, released a major expansion named Sandstorm, and finally released the game in boxed format. Now, the devs have taken a moment to breathe, reflect, and answer some questions for the folks over at IGN as to what they set out to do, what lessons they've learned, and what players can expect in the upcoming months.

The interview focuses on discussing the shift of payment options, what it's like to create and continue running an MMOFPS hybrid, and whether or not others may be looking in that same general direction. While short, it offers an interesting peek into the minds behind the ever-evolving Global Agenda and offers some wide-ranging discussion on the games market in general.