
One Shots: When I grow up I want to be just like you

More and more people are joining the action-packed DC Universe Online beta all the time, as Sony Online Entertainment continues to ramp up testing (and stress testing) before the game's launch. For those of you who haven't had the chance to play the game as yet, not only do we have this great screenshot showing off a hero and her inspiration, but Larry and I will be livestreaming DC Universe Online today on the Massively TV channel as well! Today's One Shots from DC Universe Online comes to us from Arborhawk, who says only: "Here's my character with her hero and inspiration. Got to love a girl with a mace!"

If you've captured a heroic or villainous image of your character, we'd love to see it! Just email it in to us here at along with your name, the name of the game, and a description of what we're seeing. Please make sure your image is at least 1024px wide and has as few visible UI elements as possible. You never know -- yours could be the next one we post here on Massively!